Friday, March 7, 2014

A Good Argument. Period.

As a person who struggles who with expressing herself in written word I really enjoy fellow classmate K. Vasquez’s writing. I both respect and envy her ability to be refreshingly clear. Not much of a compliment, I know but like I said I’m a poor writer. No matter the subject of her posts, there is an upbeat feel to them which I enjoy. Even with subjects such as disgruntling as LGBT discrimination with SB 1062 in Freedom vs. Equality In America I find myself wanting to read more not only because it’s informative but also genuinely heartfelt.

In her latest post, she addressees the transgressions against the LGBT community through Arizona’s proposed bill. Yes, it is a vague bill and as many on the opposite side of argument would state it doesn’t specifically identify the gay community as the purpose for it’s original draft but that’s the problem. Being so broad, to the point where you could interject any group, gender, race or sexual orientation into it is a problem in itself.

K. Vasquez includes many links that not only educate you on the issue at had like articles that inform the reader on both sides but also inserts history. I mean, why wouldn’t you? It’s a major point to make in the argument. To introduce not only the latest national issue but the entire “American Gay Rights Movement: A Short History”.

She continues to jog your own thought process and personal beliefs by asking the reader what their own interpretation of the bill may be. She introduces queries that may make the reader wonder why they voted for the candidate they did.

So in conclusion I wish to say that I completely agree with my fellow classmates assessment of SB 1062 and applaud her not only in her ability to make her argument that this bill was completely discriminatory regardless of whom it was intended but also for her smooth application of education. Bravo, K. Vasquez!

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